The Dream about North Korea, Ministry and Faith in Christ

It is always interesting to think about the dream you got last night. And, it becomes more interesting if it is about current politics. And, it becomes even more interesting if it is about North Korea.
I saw in my dream – it was pouring over in a city and people were running and holding umbrellas. He was there too with an umbrella. He saw Kim Jong running for shelter. There he offered his umbrella before anyone could offer and shared with Kim Jong and immediately, Kim Jong smiled. The scene changed and there was an immediate and big commotion and people were running here and there in the background. There, a middle-aged man pulled him over to a place and asked him to tell him about Lord Jesus Christ.
Perhaps, it might be time for North Korea to open its doors for the gospel. I hope that the dream of that man come true. I hope one day the people of North Korea will learn about Lord Jesus and his love. Jesus died for them too and they have the right to know about it. But, who will take the message to the lost people. My people are more interested in making money and it seems, for the world’s eyes that a man needs to be respected according to what he possesses.
But, listen to Jesus who said "A man’s life does not consist of the abundance of the possession he has". Think about the abundance. No matter how much a man has, he cannot take anything to the eternal life. Even in my own life, all our talk is about money. Money is such a pivotal thing for the world that the world has chosen to put relationships below money. God knows the value of money. But, He also knows that nothing can replace the value of a soul. I have been struggling to find a balance between the value of money and value of my own self before others. Living in America is a dream come true for many. But, I learn to see that God is the God of all countries. He is sovereign over nations. He is the God of infinite wisdom. Shouldn’t we be more interested in knowing Him than about anything.
Paul said "I consider all things as loss compared to the excellence of knowledge of knowing Jesus Christ, my Lord". I have decided that money will never become an hindrance in preaching the gospel. I am tired of hearing reports about money abuse and scandals in Christian ministries. I have resolved that my life will never become like that or being a bad example. I will work just like Paul worked to pay his bills. We should remember the words of our Lord Jesus Christ said "It is more blessing to give rather than to receive". And, we should never forget our priorities. Jesus said "First, seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. And, all these things shall be added unto you". Isn’t this the promise and hope the world is encouraging for? Has anyone ever made a promise like that? Can a good teacher ever make such a promise? Or, Can a "Son of Man" make such a promise and not be God? Oh! Let not the world need to hear this. The promises of God will carry his children and ministries over greediness for money. Money should never become a distraction.
Why do his children leave the job they already have and come to full-time ministry. Is "full-time" ministry consists of leaving one’s own job? I don’t read that in the bible!! I really have problem in this area where working is considered secular and not spiritual. Isn’t everything God created good? Isn’t everything God created called "secular"? Why do we burden ourselves and the gospel because of this?
A porn actress running for California Governor? And, without shame? Have we lost our mind? Or,we have to just close our eyes and walk as if nothing happened or is happening? Girls go into porn business for some quick money? Bible says "The love of money is the root cause of all evil". "Love of Money" + "Lust" increases unfaithfulness among men. How many lives have been destroyed? It was just like when I was growing up when nobody could say "This is the way, walk in it"!!! Nobody? Yes. Nobody!!! Who will tell them the way? It seems life is getting out of control. Young men being drawn by lust because of pornography are looking for women for a minute pleasure. They don’t that their lust has been hooked by the bait. And, that bait will take their own life if not checked by "Grace". Grace? Yes. Only Grace of the Lord Jesus can change a person. Only one who created the soul will know the value of the soul. Therefore, Jesus came down to save the soul that was lost. Being the faithful creator, He gave his life on the cross as a ransom for many.
Isn’t there a way to live? Isn’t there a righteous in the land? Does not one gave us eyes and not see the things we do? Why do we still worship the idols and we are so afraid to get them out of us. We are more afraid of humans than we are of God.
Do you know Jesus love you? He can help you in every situation? If your life is full of money and lust, I ask you humbly to turn to Jesus so that He can come and save your life from this adulterous and sinful generation. He will provide all that you need. Would it be surprising for Christians when they see the gospel being preached to North Korea and see God’s love being poured out on them just like He is doing in many nations?
Does Middle East know what it means to forgive? Does India have a god of forgiveness? All the things that we see will perish and the things that we don’t see are eternal (from Bible)!! Think about it for a minute!!


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